My Philosophy
I am Daphne Lyell, an integrative medical doctor (GP) and a homoeopath. My philosophy lies in educating and assisting clients and parents in creating healthy, balanced and resilient human beings that can bounce back from imbalance and stress.
Together, we identify the cause and root of the problem. We talk, we explore and through your stories, we braille the way to go.

The way I understand it is as we go through life, we collect experiences and form relationships.
The first, most important relationship is the one we forge with our mother or another primary carer. We are steeped in this relationship for the foundational years before we individuate, forming the relationship to self. This is an ongoing process of reflecting, reshaping, self-forgiveness and growth. It impacts every other relationship we form and affects how resilient we are to stress, which informs all our other systems.
Health is more than the absence of symptoms. It is the interplay of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual spheres in dynamic interaction with our environment. We are complex, integrated and interdependent beings, with our minds affecting our health and body. To me, health is an experience of wholeness. In the body sphere, all the organ systems are working in harmony to produce adequate energy, digest, assimilate, distribute, secrete and detoxify in accordance with their true nature.
On a mental, emotional and spiritual level, health is about the experience of curiosity, clarity, confidence, courage, connectedness, creativity, compassion and calm. It’s about being able to truly love - firstly yourself and then those around you.
You were born into a lineage with a genetic history. This is your blueprint and provides certain building blocks. Some of this is set, but most of your genes switch on or off because of what you expose yourself to. This is called epigenetics (everything that happens ‘on or around your genetics). All your actions - what you do, what you think, how you move, how much light exposure you get, how much and when you sleep, the quality of the food you eat, how it’s prepared, what you drink, what you read or write, the company you choose, the words you speak to yourself, the air you breathe and how you breathe, your thinking about what you experience – all of these determine who you become. Most of this is habitual or learnt behaviour. This means you have tremendous power to change your current state.