Hello, Dear One
Are you tired of the hormonal roller coaster whether you’ve just started your cycle or you’re riding the waves of menopause?
Have you been told the only solution is staying on the pill or starting HRT?
Are you ready to create the best foundation for conceiving your little one?
Are you struggling with digestive issues or autoimmunity?
Is your little one on their third round of antibiotics this year and needs gut or immune support?

I am currently mapping my way back to the practice.
Get onto the waitlist to be notified before my virtual doors open for 2025 by sending an email to bookings@drdaphnelyell.co.za
I’m Dr Daphne Lyell
I’m a homoeopath and integrative GP with a decade’s experience in helping women balance their hormones and thrive through conception, pregnancy, postpartum and into the post-menopausal years. I help them heal their gut, thyroid and adrenals and achieve optimal health. I help them heal so they can love themselves, hold their children and care for their families.
I work with mothers and children - sometimes fathers, too - and we get you into a place of thriving resilience.

Focus areas
An area of work I love is supporting women (and men) in the preconception time. The huge impact this has on the mother-baby dyad is not spoken of enough.
I have developed a beautiful program that can guide you through this time. I work with certain pillars that I know are crucial for whole-system balance. When the body is balanced, the hormonal rhythm will normalise, and conception can occur.
Read more about the programme here
There is encouraging evidence emerging that shows how something as simple as a healthy gut microbiome* can prevent a myriad of dysfunction such as premature labour, Group B Streptococcal overgrowth and more. So getting the mother’s gut health optimised allows her to pass the healthiest possible bacterial/viral/fungal ‘heirloom’ onto her baby.
I advocate for midwife-led care for low-risk mothers. This normal physiological process of becoming pregnant, carrying a child and birthing our offspring, is not only a rite of passage for new mothers but a pivotal time of creating parents who can find their inner compass again. We live in a society that supports finding outside sources to make us feel OK. Finding the courage to turn inward again and connecting with our gut and instinct can create a safe support for our young that allows them to blossom into conscious, loved and loving beings.
While my practice is online, I will be available to support new moms with babies and support them through possible initial digestive bumps with homoeopathic remedies or others as needed.
If you were nutrient deficient in the pregnancy, chances are your child is too. If you were fully plant-based in the pregnancy, we better get the proper support for your child to support them into their full potential. We need the right fats, the right nutrients and possibly, some added amino acids.
If you had a caesarean section, we have to focus on gut health and body alignment – I have a couple of practitioners I work with on this.
I see kids of all ages. A big focus in the practice is on gut health and creating a healthy microbiome*. I cannot believe how many rounds of antibiotics kids are put on, but having said this, I see how resilient and forgiving their bodies are.
I focus on food with kids and have seen how making small changes go a long way. You have such power to impact their health by what’s on their plate.
As kids grow, they’re very resilient, but they sometimes need support as their world expands. My care focuses on building resilience and supporting them to be adaptable during stressful times. Kids' bodies, like ours, only show symptoms when something is not aligned. It’s common, but not normal, to have snotty kids all year round. It’s common, but not normal, to have kids frequently waking with nightmares or having a restless sleep.
I work with parents to look at nutritional, herbal and supplemental support to help them build their immunity. If the foundations are solid and kids still struggle, we do further testing to explore and find the root of what’s driving the imbalance. I see both vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
I have run the Holistic Child Health 101 for the past 7 years. This course was written to inform and empower parents about common childhood illnesses and what can be done at home to support them. I teach you the danger signs and when to respond quicker, but you’ll learn that there is a lot you can do at home to create a comforting, healing environment for your little ones.
*The microbiome refers to the vast number of bacteria and viruses living in and on our bodies. We have an intricate relationship of interdependence. They assist in protecting us against germs, help us break down food and produce specific vitamins. They outnumber us by about ten to one.
I have worked with hundreds of women – young and old – over the past ten years to support their whole system into balance. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, severe premenstrual syndrome, heavy periods, painful periods, acne, menopausal transitions - you name it. I love this work, and it’s beautiful to see how bodies come back into balance when we honour our cycles and start living in line with our natural rhythms again.
I support women coming off the pill. The short and long-term side effects of hormonal contraception are fortunately talked about a bit more recently, but there is still a lot to teach in this area. I will guide you in the preparation of coming off the pill and then support you and teach you how to live in synch with the infradian rhythm as a superpower and to use it to your advantage to thrive in your life. The hormones are powerful allies in creating long-term health.
I support women during the perimenopausal years - this can span anything from a couple of months to a decade. This can be a very difficult and uncomfortable time, especially if you’re not sure how to navigate this wonderful threshold as you step into your crone self.
Hormones impact every other system in the body – from the brain to bone health, cardiovascular, thyroid and metabolic health. They help us detox from toxin exposure and help us build muscle, and keep the skin glowing and healthy. They’re a major player in our body’s ecosystem. Do yourself a favour and honour your body’s cycles – this is the ultimate self-care.
Gut health forms the foundation of 95% of my care. So much of our dis-ease is what we do and/or don’t put into our bodies. With roughly 75% of our immune system in the lining of the digestive tract, it’s a high return on investment area to focus on.
Gut health is the focus for auto-immunity, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal problems, sleep, digestive issues, skin disorders, mood disorders and so much more.
The digestive tract houses a large portion of our microbiome, and this connects to every other organ in the body.
You might have heard that the gut holds 75% of our immune system. You really have the power to create longevity at the end of your fork. Let’s explore this.
This is a system of glands and organs that communicate through neurotransmitters and hormones, delegating a cascade of processes that determines our health, metabolism, absorption, vitality, fertility, sleep, defence and repair.
This cascade can be triggered by the whole exposome (that which you are exposed to on a daily basis – thoughts, relationships, nature, food, water, exercise – you name it, everything impacts you). This can trigger a response from the hypothalamus down or the gut up.
There are multiple disruptors of gut health that have knock-on effects on the hormonal system, thyroid and adrenals in various ways.
I sit with women on the whole spectrum of hormonal imbalance. From young women with painful, irregular periods to fertility issues and peri- and post-menopause.
When addressing and balancing hormones, the approach I take is always from the base of the pyramid upwards, starting with the gut.
As we begin with the gut, the effect filters through, and less and less work needs to be done to create balance. Jumping in and starting only with hormones often creates only temporary relief instead of the lasting effects seen through deeper systemic work.
I work with clients to solve acute and chronic symptoms.
Autoimmunity is the new silent pandemic growing. The predictions of autoimmunity over the next 20 years are staggering. We need to start listening to what the collective system is showing us. Bodies don’t lie. Autoimmunity first points to a leaky gut, which causes an immune system to be out of balance. We must consider addressing inflammation drivers and supporting the body to tip the scale towards an anti-inflammatory state, allowing time for repair and healing.
We create sustainable solutions through medicine, homoeopathic remedies, herbal tinctures, supplementation, nutrition and mindfulness.
Want to work with me?
An info session is a complementary Zoom call to establish if you and I are a good fit.
This call is not a consultation, it is a space for us to explore if we are a good match for transformation. I know what I offer and how I can support you. I want to get to know you a little bit better and understand what your desired outcomes are. We will discuss all costs in this call.
If we decide to work together, we’ll commit to a 12-week process of whole-system reset, taking into account all the systems at play to create health and resilience and setting your body up to thrive.
I have distilled what I have learnt over the past decade in practice into an elegant 12-week Holistic Reset Programme.
I know that we have to work on different focus areas to get the body holistically back into balance. I address gut health, adrenals, thyroid, hormones, exercise, sleep, toxin exposure and mindset to remove any obstacles on your way to health.
We’ll explore and I’ll teach you how to harness the power of basics and if need be, we can dive into complexity. I will individualize each part to your needs.
If we decide to work together, I will send you the necessary documentation, an intake form and a 3-day diet diary to complete, and we’ll schedule a first consultation.
The first consultation is an hour–and–a–half long. Subsequent ones are an hour. During the first consult, I mostly listen to your story and start to identify areas that contribute to your current imbalances. I will have gone through your answers to the questionnaire and will clarify any areas of concern.
After this consult, I’ll start drawing up a personalised plan for you, which includes a preliminary assessment, a food plan with recipe suggestions, supplementation suggestions and suggested further investigations to confirm the diagnosis.
The second session is to discuss the results of our investigations and start implementing lifestyle suggestions.
With every session, there will be a review of new changes implemented, some teaching and planning of what lies ahead from here. I will share handouts and refer you to blogs or books as needed. The sessions are usually very interactive.
To be clear: the first 3 sessions are weekly, and after that, every 2 weeks, up to 8 sessions (this spans 12 weeks).
I see kids of all ages. There is so much we can shift with basic diet changes.
With the first consultation for kids, you will pay upfront for the first three visits.
This amount of visits is usually enough to get a proper idea of what’s happening, start implementing change and see shifts in your child. I typically work with homoeopathy and diet changes with kids and see the most results this way.